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Last year I followed the Bonilla-Latorre meme and wrote a simple post recounting the positives and negatives facts of the year and setting some goals for 2012. This year I’ll use this habit as an excuse to launch this new blog.

I will start with the painful part, analysing my 2012 goals:

Commercialize our product

We didn’t do this, nonetheless I think it was a good call. We didn’t have neither the time nor the resources to make it. Instead we focused on our clients projects and we postponed this.

Help my Cachirulo Valley mates deliver a great event

Fail. We dismissed this idea pretty early last year due to lack of time, or interest maybe. I’m happy that we didn’t do it also. Because I think we should focus on connecting people and encourage business networking and cachirulo talks, and less in big events or technical stuff.

Help Agile Aragón group with AOS2012

Win. It was great to have the spanish agile family in Zaragoza. Although it wasn’t perfect, in the end, most of the people were very happy.

Resume the Ruby users group

Fail again. I won’t regret this too much because I will try again this year.

Assist to an important international event.

Win. It wasn’t in a distant exotic country, but it was awesome. I met a lot of people and learned a lot at Baruco: Barcelona Ruby Conference Most sure I repeat this year.

Travel to Argentina

Fail. 10 years. No more comments.

Improve my french and italian

Win. I didn’t study that much but I went on vacations with my girlfriend to France and Italy, and it was nice to test my self with real people.

Optimize my time to enjoy of more of my family and friends

I did it much better than before but I have to keep on working on this.

Play more my guitar and find a band

I did played guitar a lot, but I didn’t find a band. Yesterday I talked about it with my girlfriend, because it was great to play for 6 hours on new year party.

Beside this I did a lot more, and I feel this was a very productive year. I’m pretty proud of my team, we worked very hard in many projects. Sad part, we almost abandoned the blog. I traveled a lot, specially to different parts of Pirineos. I met a lot of people in many events, one of my favorites was Unutopia.

Finally I will set some goals for this year, I’ll keep it simple because I am an expert on finding new things:

  1. Create a new product and get it to market (work less in others projects)
  2. Continue running and participate in at least one competition
  3. Deliver a great TEDxZaragoza
  4. Keep this blog healthy
  5. Work with my friends Dani Latorre, Fernando Val and Mamen Pradel

And the copy + paste

  1. Resume Ruby users Group
  2. Keep optimizing time to be happier
  3. Make a rock band

Thank you for reading. I wish you enjoy working in your goals.